Mukesh Ambani, Reliance CEO, has said that the Jio 5G services will be rolled out for four cities – Chennai, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Delhi by Diwali. On the other hand, Jio’s major rival, Airtel, has already launched its 5G services in the country. Not only this, but Mukesh Ambani has also hinted at the pricing point of the 5G services in India. According to his, the tariff prices will cost similar to that of the 4G plans, and the difference will not be that big. Now, this can be dubbed as a step to make more and more people migrate from 4G to 5G and then hike the prices after a while, which we already saw in the case of 4G in recent years. Jio has not provided any specific price point for the 5G recharges, and there is no details regarding the validity and the other stuff too. One thing which we are sure of is that Jio will aggressively launch the 5G network support in almost all the cities of India. According to the plans, Jio is looking forward to achieving pan India 5G connectivity by the end of 2023. On the other hand, Airtel is planning to do the same by March 2024.