Samsung is working on dual display foldable laptop

91Mobiles got their hands on a patent that was filed with the United States Design Patent in 2020 and was awarded on November 22nd. The patent shows a laptop with a foldable display that looks similar to the Asus ZenBook Pro Duo. The patent shows a laptop with a foldable display. It stretches right from the top to the bottom with a keyboard area on the bottom-left. In fact, the keyboard area could be simply a virtual one and not a physical one giving access to an uninterrupted display that extends from top to bottom of both halves of the display. The screen on the right side of the keyboard can be used as a trackpad. There are two thunderbolt ports on the right as you can see in the patent sketches. Intel’s Horseshoe Bend concept shows a giant screen that can be folded as a laptop. Samsung’s application looks similar to the concept as well as ZenBook Pro Duo. However, the major distinction here is, ZenBook Pro Duo’s dual displays are separated while Samsung’s patent shows a single display that folds over. Additionally, Samsung could be using its AMOLED series of displays. It remains to be seen when exactly the patent materializes into a concept or prototype before a commercial device comes into the scene.