A verified Twitter account dictates recognizability which is one of the biggest reasons why brands and public figures are clinging to getting it on their accounts. It also curbs misinformation and fake information as now, there’s a way to tell if a certain post or video is coming from an official source or not. The Verified Twitter process commenced in 2009 although it wasn’t open to all users. It was only in 2016 when the social media juggernaut started its public verification program allowing Twitter accounts to apply for a blue-colored checkmark (verified) sign on their handles. As of now, the Twitter verification policy is available for users although they need to conform to certain eligibility criteria to qualify for the same. Let’s find out more deta

Do you have an eligible account?

Following is the list of eligible accounts that can apply for Twitter Verification –

Entertainment Government Companies (including brands and NGOs) Sports and esports Organizers, activities, and other influential individuals

Twitter keeps on updating its list of both eligible and ineligible accounts from time to time. It is also in talks to include personalities such as religious leaders, scientists, and academic personalities to the existing list. If your standing/profession isn’t mentioned in the list above, note that there’s a lot of room to wiggle around the term “Other Influential Individuals” where you can try your luck if you already have a good standing on Twitter and 0.05% followers or mention counts in your region.

Ineligible Accounts

Yes, there’s a list of accounts that are ineligible and can’t apply for Twitter verification whatsoever.

Newsfeeds Parody accounts Accounts that promote hateful content Unofficial fan accounts Accounts of fictional characters Accounts of pets

How to apply for a Twitter verification policy?

Assuming that your account is eligible for the Twitter verification policy, here’s the procedure on how you can apply for the verification. Step #1: First up, go to Twitter on your phone or web. Step #2: Tap on your profile photo on the right top corner of your mobile app and head over to “Settings and Privacy” from the available options. Step #3: Tap on “Your Account » Account Information”. Step #4: You will be prompted to enter your Twitter password if you are using the website whereas the app doesn’t involve this step. Step #5: Select “Verification Request”. Step #6: You will need to submit all the required documents (government-issued ID) along with email address (official), and others as and where asked. Step #7: Finally, apply and wait for the revert from Twitter. After submission of your application, Twitter will review it and it takes around 14 days for an email revert in case the account was successfully approved. In case the application was not successful, you can reapply for the same 30 days after the first attempt.

Some additional information

According to the Twitter Verification policy, it can automatically remove the verified badges from accounts in case they are inactive for a long time or if the accounts are incomplete. You cannot request to remove the badge, however, there are certain conditions where Twitter will remove it. This includes impersonation, violation, hateful conduct, civic integrity, and abusive behaviour are some of the violations of the policy that can cause the Twitter verified badge to be removed.