Xiaomi has launched the Mi Laptop Pro devices on the second day of its Mega Event on March 30. Earlier on the first day of the event, the company had announced Mi 11 Ultra, Mi 11 Pro, Mi 11 Lite, Mi Band 6. And on the second day, we got to witness the unveiling of these two laptops and Xioami’s first foldable smartphone Mi Mix Fold.  ALSO READ: HP Omen 15 review with pros and cons

Xiaomi Mi Laptop Pro 15 and Mi Laptop Pro 14 Features

Like its flagship smartphones, Xiaomi has employed E4 OLED display and Corning Gorilla Glass protection into its Mi Laptop Pro 15 with a 15-inch panel. The screen features include 3456x2160p resolution, 600 nits brightness, 60Hz refresh rate, 100% DCI-P3 color space, and supports DC Dimming.  While the 14-inch sibling settles with an IPS LCD panel, 2560x1600p resolution, 88%  screen-to-body ratio, 300nits brightness, and a higher refresh rate of up to 120Hz. Both the laptops have a 16:10 aspect ratio and are constructed with a 6-series aluminum body.  ALSO READ: Asus launches All-in-One PCs in India with dual functionality of PC and Display The two Mi Laptop Pro models are powered by an 11th Gen Intel Core processor and ship in two variants of i5 and i7. The chipset is coupled with up to GeForce MX450 GPU, 16GB DDR4 RAM, and 512GB PCIe SSD storage. The laptops support Microsoft Windows 10.  The Mi Laptop Pro 15 has a 66WHr battery while the Pro 14 gets a 56Whr battery. They have dual 2W speakers supporting DTS Audio processing. The connectivity options are Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth v5.1, two USB Type-C ports, a Thunderbolt 4 port, and a 3.5mm headphone jack. The laptops also allow fingerprint scanning and offer backlit keyboards.

Xiaomi Mi Laptop Pro 15 and Mi Laptop Pro 14: Price and Availability

Xiaomi has launched the Pro-series laptops in China and the devices are available for pre-order in the country. Since the company has brought its previous laptops to India, we could expect the Mi Laptop Pro 14 and Mi Laptop Pro 15 to also arrive later in 2021. The prices are as follows: